Friday 7 February 2014

Macro photography

Macro photography
  Macro photography is extreme close up photography usually of very small object,  a macro photograph is one in which the size of the subject on the image sensor is life size or greater we is actual fact is it a lot smaller. "Macro" lenses specifically designed for close-up work, with a long barrel for close focusing and optimized for high reproduction ratios, are one of the most common tools for macro photography. Macro photograph is mos commonly used for small objects eg. small animals and insects may be captured with the use of macro photography.

  Within my Photojournalism group, we decided to go for a different approach to the things we had been doing and capture some macro photographs with a twist. 
  We did this with some basic equipment:

  • A plate to place them in
  • A sheet of medium thickness glass
  • Water, in a spray bottle
  • 2 cardboard boxes
  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Sweets/ texture of your choice
  After collecting together our equipment we set up the camera on the tripod, setting up as a close up of the sweets on the plate. I used a fast shutter speed and low ISO in order to capture a sharp and bright image of the sweets. After practicing with the focus through live stream, we were ready to take the macro photographs. We tried different textures of which some worked well and others not so well.
  Here are some of my images from the shoot:
This first image was taken after looking threw live view on the camera. We found that looking threw the live view would help focus our images yet the brightest of the image would have to be changed once taken of this view. This can be seen in the image to the left, as it is over exposed and it very light. We changed this by alterating the ISO of the image, which darkens or lightens the image. We set a low ISO is order to avoid grainy picture and to darken the image to create better quality. The changes can be seen in the image below. 

After altering the ISO, the image became darken and with more detail. After this alteration I feel very happy with the image. The image was taken with skittles underneath the sheet of glass in a tray. I feel this image worked really well as the bigger bubbles of water captured the skittles really well through the glass and created a great almost illusion of the skittles being inside the bubbles on top of the glass. We then went on to find more textures to capture.

We then experimented with bigger objects, as you can here we used a converse shoe is order to capture another macro image. This worked well within the bubbles of the image, as you can see the shoe extremely clear however the shoe is just a blur in the background image and only the colours can be seen. I think this is because of the size of the object underneath the glass, however I still feel the image worked well in order to create this macro 'illusion'.

Finally, as a last experimented I used the face of my class mate to see whether an even larger object would have the same effect. And with great surprise is did work, however I still have the lack of the background because of the sizing of the object. However, inside the littler bubbles compared to the previous images, I have managed to capture her face in the bubbles. I decided I would create this image with smaller bubbles also to experiment further into macro photography. 

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