Wednesday 7 May 2014



 Scanography, more commonly known as scanner photography. This is the method of using a flatbed photo scanner in order to capture digital images, and creating printable art. With the depth of field on a scanner being very poor, yet the advantage can be seen within the sharpness and colour saturation. 
  This photography is a very simple technique, as all that is needed is a scanner which has a usb lead in order to plug the scanner into a computer/laptop in order to view the image once scanned. I simply set this up with a flatbed photo scanner, plugged into my macbook allowing me to view my scanned images straight away. 

Ideas for my scanography images

  For my scanography images, I like the idea of a vintage style photograph of a girl with her hair across the scanner and only showing part of her face (like the two images that can be seen in the middle above). These images look good with flowers placed lightly around them, or around their hair. I think I will apply this vintage style imagery to my photos, as it is different to anything I have done in this unit and will therefore explore my skills and development within the unit.
  I also really like the idea of the skull around to flowers and greenery, I feel this gives a sense of life and death. As the skull portrays death and the greenery portrays the life in the image, this contrast adds great power and strength to the image making it stand out dramatically.

My scanography
I kept to my ideas, and here are some of the scanography images I made in class. 

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