Monday 13 January 2014

Time lapses

What is a time lapse? 
  A time lapse is a technique used in film and photography in order to capture a period of time. For example, in the photograph above you can see how the photographer has captured the beach and fairground from the daytime, to mid day and then to night by merging a sequence of photographs together. 

What is the process of a time lapse? 
  In photography, a time lapse is captured by one long image or just lots of images which are placed together. For a photographer to create one long image, it would simply be done by creating a long exposure on the camera in order to capture one long photograph without the shutter closing. As in the day an exposure would last up to a few minutes, yet at night it could last up to an hour. 
  Moreover, a photographer could also create lots of different images of one place and the merge them together with manipulation, like in the picture above. Or the images could be of the same place yet slightly different, and then put in to a sequence in order to create a time lapse, this can be seen below.

What can it be used for?
A time lapse is used to capture a place, a person, or a thing over a period of time. This could include capturing a women as she goes threw the stages of pregnancy, right threw to capturing construction as a building is built over a time period. 

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